It's strange to notice that people are quite reasonable and there is a general consensus that to get things out of something you have to do your part so that you can get something out of it for instance to get your your vehicle to provide you with transportation you have to put petrol in your vehicle, you have to wash it, keep it clean you have to care for it with regular mot's and you've got to drive carefully and that's how you get something back out of your purchase of a vehicle and this principle same applies throughout the entire universe. 


Suspiciously and Shockingly when it comes to our obligation towards our creator and his son Savior Christ Jesus suddenly people change this principle to being a one-way impersonal mindset of just expecting from Jesus without giving anything!! WAKE UP!! because it's the enemy devil who is behind this conspiracy! IT IS NOT just a one-way thing where you just go to them asking for things with a long list, With no intentions to give anything back! No, it's the same principle you follow with everything and everyone here on planet earth when it comes to God and Jesus Christ! You have to defend them support his son Jesus the helper.  promote them, support what he stands for like for instance give yours support to the qualities they stand for such as  benevolence, goodness, decency, dignity and righteousness. By the way you conduct your life on this planet.  You have to do these things you know to be able to benefit from his love and care and extension of your life!!